Tuesday 28 August 2012


In the computer generated horoscope matching [JOTOK BICHAR] report, you will receive a PDF file consisting of  5 to 6 pages, containing comprehensive astrological information about the compatibility of the horoscopes of the prospective bride & groom:

Information provided are:
1. Birth Charts or Janma Kundlis of the boy and girl 
2. Manglik Dosh Compatibility 
3. Graha Maitri 
4. Dasa Sandhi Compatibility 
5. Rajju Dosh compatibility 
6. 2 page of result and prediction  etc. 
Languages Supported: English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu. 
Please mention your language preference in the special instructions field.Otherwise you get it in English.

Computer matching for selection of bride and groom:

Before computer matching of 36 Gunas in the following eight categories,
make sure you are familiar with bride/groom's health, education,
personality, character, family background, financial situation, temperament etc. then computer matching will be more meaningful and accurate, because Jyotish science is very complex.

 Category  Name  Maximum 
    1      varna    1   
    2      vashya   2   
    3      taaraa   3   
    4      yoni     4   
    5      rashi    5   
    6      gana     6   
    7      bhakut   7   
    8      naadi    8   

    Total points = 36

minimum acceptable points for a good match = 18 and above.
our basic donation-fee for matching a pair
of one boy and one girl is Rs. 200/- (postage extra)
[you can take e-copy,where no postage needed. Or you can get hard copy for 
Rs. 100 extra as carrier charge[WITHIN KOLKATA CIRCLE Rs. 50/-]. 

For JanmKundali matching or horoscope preparation, send following info.

DATE, PLace (City and/or the nearest big city, country, province) and 


Astrology is both an ancient metaphysical Vedic science and art. its hard to find a good professional asrtologer. There are many fake astrologers around as there is no requirement for certification of astrologers. be aware!!.our matching and other services are based on standard Jyotish computer program written and tested by experts on both astrology and computer and not on judgement call, still we or no human being can guarantee the accuracy of results. JanmKundali matching has been used by people from the time immemorial as an useful selection tool.


  1. Everything is available free of cost in Internet!

    1. Sir, Nothing is free today.
      Those which are available for free in the internet has either no prediction or a very little prediction. Every human in this planet have a different planetary position on their Janam Kundli, On respect with that all other calculation is calculate. Look on those free copy they calculate as per only the position of planet. For example me and my friend both have Rahu in 9th house. But our life is completely different. WHY? Because my 9th house and his 9th house is in different sign. but look on those free copy, where it is predicted the effect of Rahu in 9th house, Written on both of us. I just trying to A free copy is free copy. That does not have much accurecy, Oh! yes if you do not know your Rashi, Lagna, and other planetary position then you can take some help from those free copy to know you own.

  2. Now Everything is published in
    Visit there. There is Plenty of free gift for member.
    Just visit the site. At least you will learn something, if you are interested in ASTROLOGY.

  3. is anyone interested in horoscope

  4. Is anyone interested in horoscope horoscope ?

  5. The Horoscope API adds a touch of celestial wonder to the world of technology. By providing access to astrological insights, it opens up avenues for developers to integrate personalized horoscopes into apps and services. This API taps into our fascination with the stars, offering daily, monthly, or even yearly horoscopes. It's not just about fun; it can provide users with a sense of guidance and self-reflection. The Horoscope API bridges the mystical and the digital realms, bringing a unique and intriguing dimension to our online experiences.
